CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 11
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 11 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1997-06].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
285 lines
** File: median.c Copyright (c) Truda Software
** Author: Anton Kruger 215 Marengo Rd, #2,
** Date: March 1992 Oxford, IA 52322-9383
** Revision: 1.0 March 1992
** Description: Contains an implementation of Heckbert's median-
** cut color quantization algorithm.
** Compilers: MSC 5.1, 6.0.
** Note: 1) Compile in large memory model.
** 2) Delete the "#define FAST_REMAP" statement below
** in order to deactivate fast remapping.
// Various changes MJP - changed to 4 bit colour MJP
#include <stddef.h> /* for NULL */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for "qsort" */
#include <math.h>
#ifndef _M68881
#include <mffp.h>
#include <m68881.h>
#include <float.h> /* for FLT_MAX, FLT_MIN */
#define MAXCOLORS 256 /* maximum # of output colors */
#define HSIZE 4096 /* size of image histogram */
typedef unsigned char byte; /* range 0-255 */
typedef unsigned short word; /* range 0-65,535 */
typedef unsigned long dword; /* range 0-4,294,967,295 */
/* Macros for converting between (r,g,b)-colors and 12-bit */
/* colors follow. */
#define RED(x) (byte)((((x)&15)<<4)|((x)&15))
#define GREEN(x) (byte)(((((x)>>4)&15)<<4)|((((x)>>4)&15)))
#define BLUE(x) (byte)(((((x)>>8)&15)<<4)|((((x)>>8)&15)))
typedef struct { /* structure for a cube in color space */
word lower; /* one corner's index in histogram */
word upper; /* another corner's index in histogram */
dword count; /* cube's histogram count */
int level; /* cube's level */
byte rmin,rmax;
byte gmin,gmax;
byte bmin,bmax;
} cube_t;
static cube_t list[MAXCOLORS]; /* list of cubes */
static int longdim; /* longest dimension of cube */
static void Shrink(cube_t * Cube, word *HistPtr);
static void InvMap(word * Hist, byte ColMap[][3],word ncubes, word *HistPtr);
static int compare(const void * a1, const void * a2);
extern void SetMax(int max);
extern void SetCur(int cur);
word MedHam6(word Hist[],byte ColMap[][3], int maxcubes, word HistPtr[])
** Accepts "Hist", a 4,096-element array that contains 12-bit
** color counts of the input image. Uses Heckbert's median-cut
** algorithm to divide the color space into "maxcubes" cubes,
** and returns the centroid (average value) of each cube in
** "ColMap". "Hist" is also updated so that it functions as an
** inverse color map. MedianCut returns the actual number of
** cubes, which may be less that "maxcubes".
byte lr,lg,lb;
word i,median,color;
dword count;
int k,level,ncubes,splitpos;
void *base;
size_t num,width;
cube_t Cube,CubeA,CubeB;
** Create the initial cube, which is the whole RGB-cube.
ncubes = 0;
Cube.count = 0;
for (i=0,color=0;i<=HSIZE-1;i++){
if (Hist[i] != 0){
HistPtr[color++] = i;
Cube.count = Cube.count + Hist[i];
Cube.lower = 0; Cube.upper = color-1;
Cube.level = 0;
list[ncubes++] = Cube;
** The main loop follows. Search the list of cubes for the
** next cube to split, which is the lowest level cube. A
** special case is when a cube has only one color, so that it
** cannot be split.
while (ncubes < maxcubes){
level = 255; splitpos = -1;
for (k=0;k<=ncubes-1;k++){
if (list[k].lower == list[k].upper)
; /* single color */
else if (list[k].level < level){
level = list[k].level;
splitpos = k;
if (splitpos == -1) /* no more cubes to split */
** Must split the cube "splitpos" in the list of cubes.
** Next find the longest dimension of this cube, and update
** the external variable "longdim", which is used by the
** sort routine so that it knows along which axis to sort.
Cube = list[splitpos];
lr = Cube.rmax - Cube.rmin;
lg = Cube.gmax - Cube.gmin;
lb = Cube.bmax - Cube.bmin;
if (lr >= lg && lr >= lb) longdim = 0;
if (lg >= lr && lg >= lb) longdim = 1;
if (lb >= lr && lb >= lg) longdim = 2;
** Sort along "longdim". This prepares for the next step,
** namely, finding the median. Use standard lib's "qsort".
base = (void *)&HistPtr[Cube.lower];
num = (size_t)(Cube.upper - Cube.lower + 1);
width = (size_t)sizeof(HistPtr[0]);
** Find median by scanning through the cube, and computing
** a running sum. When the running sum equals half the
** total for the cube, the median has been found.
count = 0;
for (i=Cube.lower;i<=Cube.upper-1;i++){
if (count >= Cube.count/2) break;
color = HistPtr[i];
count = count + Hist[color];
median = i;
** Now split "Cube" at the median. Then add the two new
** cubes to the list of cubes.
CubeA = Cube; CubeA.upper = median-1;
CubeA.count = count;
CubeA.level = Cube.level + 1;
list[splitpos] = CubeA; /* add in old slot */
CubeB = Cube; CubeB.lower = median;
CubeB.count = Cube.count - count;
CubeB.level = Cube.level + 1;
list[ncubes++] = CubeB; /* add in new slot */
** We have enough cubes, or we have split all we can. Now
** compute the color map, the inverse color map, and return
** the number of colors in the color map.
InvMap(Hist, ColMap,ncubes, HistPtr);
void static Shrink(cube_t * Cube, word *HistPtr)
** Encloses "Cube" with a tight-fitting cube by updating the
** (rmin,gmin,bmin) and (rmax,gmax,bmax) members of "Cube".
byte r,g,b;
word i,color;
Cube->rmin = 255; Cube->rmax = 0;
Cube->gmin = 255; Cube->gmax = 0;
Cube->bmin = 255; Cube->bmax = 0;
for (i=Cube->lower;i<=Cube->upper;i++){
color = HistPtr[i];
r = RED(color);
if (r > Cube->rmax) Cube->rmax = r;
if (r < Cube->rmin) Cube->rmin = r;
g = GREEN(color);
if (g > Cube->gmax) Cube->gmax = g;
if (g < Cube->gmin) Cube->gmin = g;
b = BLUE(color);
if (b > Cube->bmax) Cube->bmax = b;
if (b < Cube->bmin) Cube->bmin = b;
void static InvMap(word * Hist, byte ColMap[][3],word ncubes, word *HistPtr)
** For each cube in the list of cubes, computes the centroid
** (average value) of the colors enclosed by that cube, and
** then loads the centroids in the color map. Next loads the
** histogram with indices into the color map. A preprocessor
** directive "#define FAST_REMAP" controls whether the cube
** centroids become the output color for all the colors in a
** cube, or whether a "best remap" method is followed.
byte r,g,b;
word i,k,color;
float rsum,gsum,bsum;
cube_t Cube;
for (k=0;k<=ncubes-1;k++){
Cube = list[k];
rsum = gsum = bsum = (float)0.0;
for (i=Cube.lower;i<=Cube.upper;i++){
color = HistPtr[i];
r = RED(color);
rsum += (float)r*(float)Hist[color];
g = GREEN(color);
gsum += (float)g*(float)Hist[color];
b = BLUE(color);
bsum += (float)b*(float)Hist[color];
/* Update the color map */
r = ((byte)(rsum/(float)Cube.count)>>4);
ColMap[k][0] = (r<<4) | r;
g = ((byte)(gsum/(float)Cube.count)>>4);
ColMap[k][1] = (g<<4) | g;
b = ((byte)(bsum/(float)Cube.count)>>4);
ColMap[k][2] = (b<<4) | b;
int static compare(const void * a1, const void * a2)
** Called by the sort routine in "MedianCut". Compares two
** colors based on the external variable "longdim".
word color1,color2;
byte c1,c2;
color1 = (word)*(word *)a1;
color2 = (word)*(word *)a2;
switch (longdim){
case 0:
c1 = RED(color1), c2 = RED(color2);
case 1:
c1 = GREEN(color1), c2 = GREEN(color2);
case 2:
c1 = BLUE(color2), c2 = BLUE(color2);
return ((int)(c1-c2));